The Internal Guidance System Leading Us to Our Loving Choices
Have you ever wondered how some people seem so well grounded, simply knowing what to do with their lives as if they had an inner compass to guide them with their choices. They present themselves as focused, content & successful at what they do? They seem to know how to manage and cope with situations they encounter in a self-assured and trusting manner. They can remain calm and in control and it is not just a façade. Their energy is quiet, humble, warm, caring and yes… so powerful that we can’t but notice them in a crowd.
In my practice as a psychologist, I notice that such persons are well connected to an inner guidance system that helps them know from within what their needs and limits are & what directions their lives need to take. Despite all external messages and potential attractors, they won’t be distracted and they trust this inner energy to guide them to winning choices for themselves and for those around them.
Those choices are not anchored in the rebellious attitude: “I’ll do it my way and not like I’m told”. Rather, it is deeply anchored in their heart & bodily energy, their emotions and deep intuitions. They learn and are guided by their inner senses and a “guardian angel” as they often refer to “it”. It is not about what they “think” they know, but a deeper sense of knowing that unites all that lives. When connected to such energy, they are guided to loving choices that respect their whole being and all beings around them. They learned to feel their emotions and interpret such emotions, hear the voices that can be heard behind their thoughts, they know truth and choose to speak it & live by it. They radiate pure simplicity and love. They feel anger and express such anger, not in explosive ways, but anchored in loving choices that help shift and move our world to a better place. These people are powerful because they learned that real power comes from within. They surrender to their deepest truth, that Higher-Self lit by a divine creative spark that energizes all of life and will always guide all of us to our loving choices… if we care to open ourselves and listen.
Our busy and noisy lives can be an impediment to connecting with those experiences and hearing those gentler voices. But worse, our fears of our own inner experiences and the often unconscious choice to let ourselves be controlled by external forces will often see us controlled by those many fears, leading us astray; crashing from crisis to crisis.
The wonderful news is that we can all learn to become connected and true to our inner selves, anchor our angry energy in our loving source/choices, and let ourselves be guided through life with grace and simplicity.
It is not about an external force or our ego power, but an inner power we need to surrender to and learn to hear and align with. It’s not about what we “think” is loving, but a much deeper truth & loving choices that will always guide us to our own fulfilling path and heaven on Earth.
It is when we fail to connect, hear and align with such deeper truth and loving choices that we indeed create our own pains & hellish life. Depression simply lets us know that we are disconnected and need to become connected again. Anxiety is the fear we have to connect with such inner power and truly divine gift.
Wishing you the wonderful journey to really get to know your deeper self and the power you hold within to create your own fulfilling path & heaven on this Earth.
This article was published in People & Possibilities, Spring 2007