What Susie’s clients have to say:
“When I first came to see Susie, I was so depressed. I knew I had problems, but I couldn’t understand what was happening to me and how to move forward. I was confused by different people’s opinions. With Susie’s help, I came to realize how a significant childhood experience had become so big for me that I couldn’t see the simple solution that was possible. I was so far away from the source of my problems, I couldn’t see the simplicity of it all. Remembering what I had lived and what I was made of, helped me overcome the blocks and start living my life again. Solutions became clear when I became aware of the real issue. I feel as if I was reborn again and ready to enjoy living in the best way I can. I’m excited with life. The sun is shining for me.”
“Sometimes, I think of the process I engaged with Susie, as a rebirth. I learned to identify my old patterns, how I was responding to situations in my life. Those ways had allowed me to survive until now, but they also confined me in a space I wanted to get out of. I learned to consider the source and the limits of such responses. I also learned to cultivate compassion – especially towards myself – recognizing that my ways had served me for a time even though they no longer worked for me. The work I did with Susie literally opened new paths for me… some I had no idea existed. For so many years, I had desired to have a child. I finally received this most beautiful gift from life. Little did I know that it would also become my greatest challenge. I found myself completely destabilized, stuck in patterns of responses that no longer worked, even scared me at times. With the help of Susie, I am happy to know that I will not pass by my daughter’s childhood. I will enjoy my time to see her play and grow.”
“Psychology is a vast and sometimes complex field. With professionals who are conscientious, competent and sensitive to our needs, we can improve our lives and learn to interact with more ease in our surrounding environments. My consultations with Susie Legault allowed me to gain some important tools helping me react more effectively with people at my work place and have also echoed positively with my personal and family life. With her wonderful listening skills and sensitive presence, she helped me become more aware of some behaviors I needed to reconsider because they no longer worked for me. They belonged to the past. Not everything is resolved in my life because we have a lifetime to improve and learn to grow. However, I know that whenever I need guidance, Susie will always be there to help me find my way, personally and professionally. If you are ready to meet with a psychologist, I highly recommend you consider Susie Legault. You can be assured that you will receive a personalized service, in all confidentiality.”
“Susie Legault is so much more than a gifted psychologist. She is also an amazing “life coach”, helping me see myself and others more clearly and less judgmentally. She has taken me beyond my tendency to see things from only a “logical, cognitive” perspective by connecting me to my emotions, intuition and spirit. So I see life in a more balanced way. She has introduced me to many authors and their books whose works have given me inspiration and a sense of wellness. I have learned how to relax through both guided and unguided meditation while at the same time becoming focused. Through metaphorical incites, I have learned to see what I had not understood before. And she has helped me get through some very difficult experiences in both my personal and professional life.”
“I wanted you to know that I often talk about your work and the sessions I had with you. You were the first experience I ever had with a psychologist and based on that, I often say to my employees and friends that I am a “pro-counseling” kind of person. You had a huge impact on my life as you helped me move forward from a job burnout I thought I could never survive. Shortly after our work together, I got promoted and moved to British Columbia. A bit later, my father passed away. I never wanted to live in Calgary more than then, so I could have gone and seen you, but I was too far away to book appointments (lol). Now, we could try to Skype! Still, many of the exercises you taught me came back and helped me once again find a sense to my life. So, here is what I wanted to say: Thank you for who you are and what you do. You have a positive impact on people’s life and the world needs you. Words can’t express all the gratitude I have for the help you provided to me. Although I often thanked you in my thoughts, I am glad I finally have a chance to express it directly to you. Your gift keeps on giving and giving.”
“Working with Susie has been an incredible gift that has made a tremendous difference in my life. Susie has a unique ability to see to the heart of the issues that are limiting her clients. She has shown me patterns and attitudes that I’ve had for years, but have never before realized. As difficult as it has been at times to shift my thinking and work through the process, thanks to Susie’s patient guidance the difference and benefits have been remarkable. Her approach to counseling transcends simply talking about and analyzing issues and limitations, and embraces practical ways to eliminate them. The end result is life-changing. Thanks Susie! ”
“I have so much to be thankful for and I feel like I owe a major part of that to you and your help Susie. Aside from saving my life – probably quite literally – you’ve changed the way I see myself and the world around me. You were the advocate for my health, sanity and happiness that I so desperately needed when no one else was there and I didn’t know how to be. You were the listener and the teacher that I will always be indebted to. You were and are the kind soul of balance that will forever be my guide. You have changed me and my life for the better and I can’t thank you enough… other than to say THANK YOU SUSIE from the depth of my soul. ”
“I can’t thank you enough for all the things you have done for me. I am so very grateful that I was referred to you – and so blessed. You helped me through my darkest hour back in 2005 and, then again and again through the years. I will always be thankful. I am humbled and so appreciative of all the gifts & inspiration you have shared with me. From moving forward to hear my difficult childhood and family issues, to helping me change my career and align it better with my true self, discovering who I am, learning to love and honor myself, to connect with my feelings/emotions (they are now my friends), to giving me the courage and coaching me to listen to what’s inside. You have truly encouraged, supported and empowered me to heal and grow. These are just some of the valuable things you taught me, and I am so grateful. I hope that I find the courage within myself to “feel the fear and do anyway”, to now deal with my relationship and face my fears. Susie, I wish you many blessings and much love and happiness in your move back home. You have touched my life & helped me transform. I know you will continue to inspire & empower others. With heart-felt thanks again and lots of love, ”
“I cannot find the words to express my gratitude. Because of you, Susie, I learned to care for myself. I learned to feel my emotions. I learned to express what I feel. I learned to ask for help. I learned not to let myself down even when life got tough. I learned to trust in myself and make better choices. I learned that I have a right to exist and to breathe. I still have much left to learn, but, because of you, Susie, I am alive and I am a much better person. Thank you so much! Without you, I wouldn’t be here anymore and my family would not be what it has become. Thank you! ”
“Dear Susie, Do you know what a beautiful difference you make? You helped me heal and gave me insights that continue to help me grow into the person I want to be… without losing myself ever again… My heart is so grateful to you. ”
737 rue Seigneuriale,
Québec. Qc.
(418) 667-5394
About Susie
Susie is a counseling psychologist, member of the Order of Psychologists of Quebec (O.P.Q.). She completed a Masters in Psychology with a specialty in counseling from University of Montreal, in 1986. She offers services in French and English. She presents with more than 30 years of experience in private practice, helping people regain wellness and more satisfaction in all aspects of their lives, individually or as a couple.
Susie is of existentialist-humanist orientation and practices integrative psychotherapy.
She has prepared and presented several workshops and at a few conferences. She has published many articles in magazines including ldquo;People & Possibilities”, "Vivre" and other publications. She has a passion for her work and conscious life creation. She is deeply committed to offer you the support you need to resolve crisis, increase your wellness, as well as the learning and evolution you wish for in your life, your relationships, or your career.
Feel comfortable to contact Susie and discuss your specific needs, to insure that her expertise applies to your situation: (418) 667-5394.
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